Tuesday, December 10, 2019

                 NGOs IN INDIA - A GLANCE

1. Agrasar Foundation - Skill development for youth - https://agrasar.org

2. Buddy4Study - A platform between Scholarship seekers & providers -  https://buddy4study.com

3. British Asian Trust - Diaspora led international development organization. NGOs from South Asia working in the areas of Livelihoods, Anti Trafficking, Mental Health and Education can apply for grants - https://www.britishasiantrust.org  

4. National Scholarship portal - An information website about govt scholarships - https://scholarships.gov.in/ 

5. Youth for parivarthan - A bangaluru based NGO, which cleans your neighbourhhod including schools and parks etc. It does with the help of their volunteers

6. The Atlantic Philanthropies - https://atlanticphilanthropies.org. An international development organization, which so far invested Rs.70,000 crores for the advancement of society

7. Living my promise - https://livingmypromise.org - A platform for ordinary Indians with networth of more than 1 Crore, who pledge 50% of their net worth towards philanthropic causes they believe in


        Source: News Papers, Websites and other references. I have no first hand                   information about these NGOs. Ground reality must be known by visiting personally