In the present day India marriage is a commodity which involves buyers and sellers. It is no more a union of two hearts and souls, rather it is union of two families belongs to same social strata. More over it is Social Status, more Dowry means more status in the status. It may be better to LEGALIZE the Dowry. So that Tax can be levied on sellers (Grooms) and exempt buyers (Parents of Brides). When huge sums of finanical transactions are taking plance in the name of Dowry, why not it be bring under the perview of Income Tax. So the added income to the exchequer may be utilized for:
1. performing marriages of poor girls
2. providing incentives to LOVE MARRIAGES and Inter Caste Marriages
3. Establishing Family Courts
4. Constructing Jails for convicted in family crimes and etc.
I feel there is nothing wrong in giving Dowry if brides parents are well placed and are willing to part some of their wealth to their daughters. Crimes related Dowry may not be accepted, but for the wealthy people Giving Dowry is like Consented act between two adults/familes, where as for the people who can't afford, it is like force.
Every one should condemn Dowry Deaths and its related Crimes, but at the same time it is our responsibility to not to deprive women from their equal share in the family's property. In the form of Dowry at least women are getting some or more share in the family's property otherwise they will be deprived from the same.
Even Kanyashulkam (Bride price) also did not bring any justice to the women folk. Rather it created more harm than benefit. So mere Anti dowry campgaing would not bring any benefit to the women in general. It has to be more comprehensive effort and should be based on the understanding of simple to complex social factors.