Sunday, January 30, 2011

Violence Against Women

Every other day in every part of the world, one or the other women faces, one or the other kind of violence.  Despite wearing Civilized hat, majority of men across the world don't seems have shedding cruel and violent behaviour against women and other weak individuals. 

Every living being in the planet earth has an equal right to live and no one is superior or inferior in any manner, but it is the intelligent human species who exercises enormous power and supremacy over other species of creation with an exception to extremes of nature. The agony is that the same human being exploits the fellow human being and discriminates and oppresses others in the name of caste, class, creed, colour, gender, nationality and religion. Since ages no part of the world is ever eluded from the practice of exploitation and subjugation. Inequalities and exploitation of man by man began with the raise of civilization and has taken many forms and is continued to be persist even in the highly civilized and technologically advanced societies. Despite great changes in the history of human development, the practice of suppressing and violating the rights of fellow human being has been a continuous phenomenon in various magnitudes and in various parts of the world and it is rampant during medieval period. And incidences of human rights violation are paramount during wars, social disturbances and during ethnic aggressions. Whether it is war or life; women and children are more vulnerable and subject to meet discrimination.

Women in every part of the world encounter one or the other kind of discrimination and violence in various magnitudes in their day to day and even in their family life. Manifestations of violence include physical aggression, sexual abuse, molestation, rape and psychological violence through humiliation, coercion, blackmail, economic or emotional threats, and control over speech and actions. When compared with other countries, incidences of violence and discrimination against women seem to be considerably high in developing countries. And in India despite her culture rich and traditional identity, where women are been accorded with goddess status; every day it witnesses many forms of violence against her women folk. Despite women’s highest status in Hindu scriptures and in tradition, women in India is been considered as secondary citizens and accorded with due subordinate status as compared with their counter parts in developed parts of the world.

These various expressions of violence take place in a man-woman relationship within the family, society and state. More often than not superior role of men transforms into discrimination, suppression and violence against women. Women are neglected a lot when it comes to providing education, health and other basic facilities like nutritious food. The reasons are many and varied and one of the important factors of their backwardness is that since ages men have been decision makers in the family and in the society. This relegated women to be submissive and dependent in all walks of life. Discrimination against women begins soon after birth of a female child and she grows up with a constant sense of being weak and in need of social and economic protection. This helplessness leads to her exploitation at almost every stage of life.
The status of women may not be identical in every part of the world, but similar trend is observed in most parts of the developing world and in India. In India, the family fosters its members to accept hierarchical relations between men and women. More over family is the operational unit where the child is exposed to gender differences since birth. And in recent times even before birth, in the form of sex-determination tests. More often than not these tests lead to foeticide and female infanticide. The home, which is supposed to be the most secure place for both men and women, is turning into platform of violence against women of all ages.