Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kejriwal Vs. Jaya Prakash Narayan

Aam Aadmin Party's win in Delhi Assembly elections should not considered as winning of one party against the other. Rather it should be considered as winning of clean politics against the corrupted and mighty. But in the context of extremely corrupted environment in all walks of life, right from common men to legislates to executive to judiciary, it is very much difficult to analyse the winning of AAP with clean image and clean election campaign. 

Keeping all the other things aside, I just want to make simple analysis about the distinction between AAP's Kejriwal and Lok Satta's Jaya Prakash Narayan, who has made similar attempt but failed in his effort to bring clean politics in to the lime light. 

Jaya Prakash Narayan (Lok Satta)
Arvind Kejriwal (Aam Admi Party)
Intellectual with complete understanding about the governance
Clean Image
One man show at the helm of affairs
Team of experts from different domains
Intellectual politics
Intellectual as well as grass root politics
Completely safe sided politics
Aggressive politics
Completely non controversial
Controversial if required
Could reach only educated
Could reach all most all categories of people

So far, it is not the parties, which are winning or losing elections. Most of the times, it is the corrupted politicians who are getting elected into the respected houses. At one time, when people of this country were illiterate, ignorant, oblivious and etc. These leaders made every effort to keep them so, so as to continue looting this country. As soon they got awareness about the increasing levels of education and awareness among people, these leaders simply made efforts to corrupt the people and very much successful in their efforts. NOW THIS COUNTRY IS A COUNTRY OF BILLION PLUS CORRUPTED INDIVIDUALS. To changes this, we should know how to change this whole lot of corrupted masses. 

One isolated winning of AAP may not bring much different to this country, but it is only the political will that can bring the required change. Let us hope for the best.